Farm Animals
It takes animals of all kinds to run our farm. Here are some fun facts about our favorites!
They’re social butterflies. Alcapas like to gather in groups. They feel safest in numbers, and due to their strong herding instincts, it is best to not have just one of these friends on your farm. In fact, they can literally die of loneliness if one is left by itself for too long.
Chickens can see more colors than we do! They have an additional cone in their retina to detect violet and even ultraviolet wavelengths, while humans only have cones for red, blue, and green. They can also focus on up-close and far-away objects at the same time.
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Unlike swans and geese, which mate for life, ducks practice seasonal monogamy. That means they partner up just for the mating season and develop strong bonds. When mating season is over and the eggs are laid, they typically separate. The mother raises the young.
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To create 1 pound of honey, honeybees will fly more than 55,000 miles. They may visit up to 100 flowers—they only collect from flowers of the same type at a time—to collect a single load of nectar. The term “busy as a bee” is quite apt, as a hive of these prolific workers can produce up to 100 pounds of honey per year.
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Goats are excellent climbers. They have hooves with both hard edges and soft pads, which allow their feet to “lock” onto rocks. Some goats have even been known to climb trees!
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