Are There Any Benefits Gained by Using CBD Oil?

CBD (cannabidiol) oil is growing in use for medicinal purposes. CBD oil is found naturally in marijuana (cannabis) plants and hemp plants. People often mistakenly assume that marijuana plants and hemp plants are one in the same. They are not—yet they are part of the same family of plants, and CBD oil can be produced from either marijuana plants or hemp plants. The key difference is that hemp plants do not have THC—the chemical in marijuana plants that causes us to feel “high.”
Whether CBD oil comes from marijuana or hemp plants, there are some health benefits people can experience when they use CBD oil regularly, including:
No. 1: Natural De-Stressor
If you want to alleviate stress easier and faster, CBD oil can help you relax and unwind so you can focus your mind, let go of stress in your life, and feel more at peace.
No. 2: Natural Sleep Aid
If you have problems falling asleep and staying asleep, CBD oil may be right for you. Used nightly, you will find you can relax and clear thoughts from your mind so you fall to sleep faster, stay asleep longer, and experience more restful sleep cycles.
No. 3: Natural Pain Reliever
If you have a chronic painful condition, injury, or other condition that causes pain, CBD oil could help alleviate and reduce pain naturally and non-habit forming, unlike prescription painkillers.
No. 4: Natural Acne Treatment
If you have problems with acne, you can rub some CBD oil on the acne sores. CBD oil helps slow the production of sebum, which is an oily substance our bodies make. When it makes too much, it causes acne.
No. 5: Supplement to Cancer Treatment
CBD oil can help alleviate nausea, vomiting, and other side effects from chemo and cancer treatments. It may also help slow and prevent cancer cell growth, but further research is still needed.
No. 6: Supplement to Anti-Seizure Medication
If you are on medication for seizures, CBD oil could be beneficial for you. When taken regularly with your medication, it can further help reduce the occurrence of seizures.
No. 7: Slow the Advancement of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and MS (multiple sclerosis) are all different types of neurodegenerative disorders. CBD oil may be to help slow the progression of these disorders. (Click here for more tips on how to keep your brain sharp at any age.) However, further research is still needed.
No. 8: Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Sprains, strains, arthritis, and other such conditions where inflammation is present could benefit from using CBD oil. CBD oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help reduce inflammation, swelling and pain.
No. 9 Natural Anxiety Relief
If you experience anxiety regularly, using CBD oil daily could help alleviate your anxiety and help improve your self-confidence and well-being. (Read about one anxious skeptic’s journey here.)
No. 10 Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
CBD oil can help lower blood pressure in people diagnosed with high blood pressure.
As you can see, there are many benefits of using CBD oil. Before using CBD oil to treat a medical condition that you are currently taking a prescription medication for, we highly recommend consulting with your primary care physician.
To order CBD oil online, please feel free to explore Miraflora's online store.