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Can CBD Help With Acne?
Recent studies say it can—without any of the side effects traditional acne medicine causes.
The Road to Recovery
A skier who won’t give it up needed something to help her keep doing what she loves. Miraflora was the answer.
CBD and Heart Health
Recent studies say the compound may help lower blood pressure, decrease bad cholesterol levels, and promote a healthy weight.
How To Find Your Flow
The things that give me the most joy are intrinsically painful. Mountain biking, backcountry skiing, writing.
Quiz: How Should You Relax?
When life gets really nuts, “relax” can feel like one more thing on the to-do list—which can be a stressor in and of itself.
Olympics Series: Sophie Caldwell Hamilton
One of the world’s best sprinters gives us an inside peek into the U.S. Nordic Women’s Ski Team’s secret sauce.