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CBD May Prevent and Alleviate Alzheimer’s
A new study on mice has found the compound may mitigate cognitive deficits related to the disease.
CBD May Decrease Social Anxiety
A recent study showed significant decrease in symptoms for those suffering from social anxiety disorder.
Studies Show CBD May Help With PTSD
Ninety-one percent of patients in a recent study experienced a decrease in symptom severity.
Dry January Could Help You Long-Term
One month off alcohol can have forever benefits. Plus, tips on how to succeed.
New Study Says CBD May Reduce Anxiety
Participants say CBD made “a definite improvement that has made a real and worthwhile difference.”
How To Find Your Flow
The things that give me the most joy are intrinsically painful. Mountain biking, backcountry skiing, writing.
Quiz: How Should You Relax?
When life gets really nuts, “relax” can feel like one more thing on the to-do list—which can be a stressor in and of itself.